Meet the Spanish project partners: Universidad de Málaga and
Asociación Marroquí para la Integración de los Inmigrantes
The University of Malaga (UMA) is one of Spain’s premiere higher education institutions (world ranking: 736) [2016]. Since its foundation in 1972, UMA has rapidly expanded its international presence and prestige. UMA currently has two campuses (1,797,247 m²) and over 35,000 students and 2,400 professors.
UMA stimulates educational innovation and research by boosting the quality of its professors and research groups through their participation in international research projects – managed by OTRI (Research Results Transference Office) – with the support and sponsorship of enterprises from local TechPark (PTA).
The participating research team (RIEDU: Resilience, Inclusion and Education) is a multi- and interdisciplinary group engaged in a variety of activities such as interdisciplinary training, research, participatory community program development, and information dissemination focused on questions pertaining to community development, networking, inclusion, education and resilience in diverse contexts.
The research team prioritises issues related to at-risk children and young people (CYP), such as CYP with disabilities and their families, CYP with a specific migrant/ethnic background, and marginalised CYP and their families living in deprived urban areas.
Research undertaken by the UMA team has a strong critical and social justice focus and explores particular challenges and obstacles to social inclusion, young people ́s wellbeing and community resilience while seeking to inform policy and to create and facilitate effective social change.
Contact: Ph.D., Senior Lecturer & Researcher David Herrera, Universidad de Málaga,
(AM) was founded in 2003 as an initiative by the international students at the University of Malaga. It was founded before the government suppressed rights and grants to study at university, mainly to students from immigrant groups.
The social vocation of the Moroccan Association for the Integration of Immigrants is therefore intrinsic to its legal nature. Since its origins, the association has been characterised by a strong social commitment and a determined vocation to work in the general interest. The social activity of the Moroccan Association for the Integration of Immigrants has contributed to making the social inclusion of many immigrants a reality and to facilitating the coexistence and knowledge of the migratory reality on the part of the Spanish population.
In terms of its organisational and management capacity, the Moroccan Association for the Integration of Immigrants is one of the strongest associations in Malaga. It was awarded the “Malaga Volunteer Award” in the modality of international cooperation in 2011, 2016 and 2017.
The organisation has a multidisciplinary and multicultural technical and professional team with extensive experience in the design and implementation of projects for different public and private funders.
Contact: Mr. Ahmed Khalifa, Director,
Contact: Ph.D., Associate Professor Ditte Tofteng, Copenhagen University College