This page includes joint academic publications within the project.
The article produced within this intellectual output will present the new methodological approach of the PSP model and its theoretical foundation at an international academic symposium.
The objective of the proposed symposium is to enable face-to-face peer learning among participants representing various international stakeholders. On the basis of the learnings from the symposium, the participating researchers from the LEMA project will collectively produce a joint academic publication on the PSP model. The publication will potentially influence the established practices in social inclusion of marginalised youth.
Both well-established international researchers as well as professionals and representatives of NGOs will be invited to share their views on various aspects of the approach of the PSP model towards the challenges of and practices in urban social education and marginalisation at an international conference, such as ECER (European Conference of Educational Research), in 2021. Title of the symposium:
The Challenges and Approaches in Urban Social Education Research for Inclusion.
During the seminar, participants will exchange expertise and experiences in order to develop and share knowledge that can address key social inclusion challenges in European cities in new and alternative ways. Specifically, the participating partners from the LEMA project will present papers that explore the possibilities of youth participatory action research as a rich source to co-create new knowledge, challenge social and educational constraints, and produce a meaningful and sustainable change collectively — the PSP model being an example of how to enhance the repertoires of practice in social inclusion.
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Contact: Ph.D., Associate Professor Ditte Tofteng, Copenhagen University College